About Me

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I'm married 40 years, and have 3 grown sons, all of whom live in other states. I miss them all terribly. I've been crocheting and knitting for about 38 years now. Nothing fancy, just baby stuff, afghans, and dishcloths. I'm hoping to learn some new techniques, especially felting, using circular needles, and maybe knitting socks. I became a grandma for the first time, and so far only time, 3 1/2 years ago. My granddaughter's name is Lucy and is absolutely adorable! Due to living so very far apart, and a one month hospital stay in 2011, we've only seen her once. I hate living so far apart!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I went through my plastic bin of yarn last night and re-wound what needed to be re-wound, and transferred almost all of it to my new bin with a lid. I only threw out 3 partial skeins. Two were at least 23 years old, and one probably was even older. No sense in keeping stuff that's on the verge of dry-rot. I was amazed at how little yarn I actually have left. I guess I used up more of it than I thought when I made the afghan for my son's wedding 3 years ago. I made it a lot bigger than the pattern called for. He's 5'11 and I wanted him to be able to cover with it when he lays on the sofa. He loves it and said that it's big enough for both he and my daughter-in-law to cover with when they watch TV.

One of these days I'm going to have to start re-building my stash. I just have a hard time buying yarn without a particular project in mind. I'm always afraid I'll buy a bit and then find any project I want to make with it calls for more than I bought. So, the way I generally build my stash is by buying extra every time I buy yarn for a project. I think I'm going to have to change my modus operandi. I have some $$ squirreled away and I think I'm going to use it for some serious stash-re-building. Now to decide what types of yarn to buy and what colors. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice afghan! I love all the colors. For stash: White and black are good yarns to have on hand. (Of course if you get a sales lady like I did when I mention this, she thinks it's weird). Great to boarder or add to an exsisting project or if you change your mind. Pick your favorite colors. Cotton yarn is great to have on hand for quick dishcloth gifts. Have fun yarn shopping!